July 20th, 2014

Zucchini with Goat Cheese

Zucchini with Goat Cheese

Slightly modified from chow.

3 zucchinis
goat cheeseĀ (as needed for each zucchini plank – spread to taste!)
1/4 cup fresh basil
panko bread crumbs
salt and pepper
1 egg
1 tablespoon olive oil

Cut the zucchini in 1/4″ planks. Grill them for a few minutes – just enough to get those seared grill marks on each side of them. Let them cool a bit. Put the olive oil in a fry pan and start to heat it up. Beat an egg in a bowl. Add some panko bread crumbs, salt and pepper (just a bit to add some taste) in another bowl. Dip the zucchini in the egg then in the panko and place it in the pan. Cook both sides until the panko is brown and crunchy. Once done, put the breaded zucchini on a cooking sheet. Add the goat cheese on top of each plank and cook it in the oven just long enough to melt the cheese. A low temperature, around 250 or 300, is fine. You just need to melt the cheese a bit. Slice your tomatoes thinly and place them on top of your planks. Then sprinkle a little fresh cut basil on them.

Originally published in “‘Racking’ My Brain To Impress A Foodie”

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